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I’m a research scientist working at RADiCAL to enable real-time markerless 3D motion capture from monocular consumer devices.

Prior to that, I received my Ph.D. in computer vision and machine learning from Lund University advised by Professor Cristian Sminchisescu as part of the WASP program. My areas of research were 3D human pose estimation, applications of reinforcement learning for visual active learning, and physics-informed computer vision.

In 2020, 2021, and 2022 I was a research intern and student researcher in the Perception team at Google Research in Zürich, Switzerland.

I’ve reviewed for top-tier conferences such as CVPR18, ECCV18, CVPR19, ICCV19, CVPR20, ECCV20, NeurIPS20, CVPR21, and CVPR22.

I received my M.Sc. in computer science and engineering from Lund University. My master’s thesis was on information extraction using natural language processing, advised by Professor Pierre Nugues.

In 2019 I competed in the Google Hashcode programming competition finals, finishing at 26th place out of 6000 teams. Previously I was awarded the Lund University Fund for Open Source Software Undergraduate Student Scholarship for my open source projects and contributions.

In my spare time I’m an avid traveler and I enjoy programming on various hobby projects. Feel free to check out my projects on Github.
